Attracting and acquiring the right talent is a critical and strenuous task that involves many people who contribute, via an online recruitment system, in the various aspects of the hiring process. These could be internal employees, hiring managers, executive management, contract recruiters, social media contacts and many other internal/external stakeholders. Most of them will need to review the status of candidate applications, in the recruitment system, at various points in the process. In addition, many of these stakeholders will have valuable input and information that will need to be recorded in the online recruitment system and shared with others at different stages of the recruiting cycle.
Moreover, this is a critical organizational strength that companies need to build in order to compete for top talent. However, it could easily turn into a logistical nightmare if the entire team is working in silos and does not have a cloud-based, online recruitment system for web-based collaboration.
Many stakeholders involved in the process may not be co-located. In addition, multiple people may need to access and work on the same content concurrently or review the current status of the candidate’s application and take necessary actions. Moreover, some tasks are time-sensitive and must be addressed right away. Traditional methods of sharing information and waiting for individuals to forward information to each other can dangerously prolong the hiring process – resulting in long times to hire, loss of great candidates to competitors and an overall negative impact on the organization’s performance.
Top performing organizations are realizing that using a web-based online recruitment system with social recruiting, solid hiring collaboration and applicant tracking is the right approach to encouraging and effectively implementing team-based recruiting. The right SaaS-based, online recruitment system consolidates all sourcing efforts into one unified system that allows involved stakeholders to work with each other guided by workflows that can be customized to the organizations needs. When everyone has the ability to work on the same online recruitment system, they can easily access content and complete their tasks from wherever they are – using a mobile device, notebook or desktop.
Simplicant’s online recruitment system removes the pain from the hiring process. Hiring managers can easily share candidate information with anyone in the company, tag and rate profiles, invite comments from other team members, schedule interviews and collect evaluations from interviewers – while keeping all content updated and available in one searchable platform.
Today’s competitive recruiting landscape demands that organizations be equipped with the best recruitment system technology to bring efficiencies to their hiring process. Longer times to hire and the inability to leverage a team’s collaborative power, have a direct impact on the organization’s ability to deliver on its strategic goals.
Sign-up for a free trial today. Or, contact us to see how Simplicant ‘s online recruitment system with its collaborative platform, powerful social recruiting and applicant tracking, can bring major efficiencies and cost-savings to your sourcing and recruiting efforts.
Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash