Tag: Interviewing

What Does The Cost Of Hiring Really Mean

Do you know your company’s total cost of hiring? Once you are aware of the breakdown of your company’s cost of hiring, you can evaluate how well your process is working, compare your costs to those of other companies, uncover where you are spending the most money and identify areas with room for improvement. When your recruiting is organized with the help of modern applicant tracking software, you can quickly have critical data at your fingertips, providing you the decision-making information you need to create the most effective hiring process for your company. Identify Your Cost of Hiring Hiring a new employee can cost you thousands Read more

Interview Questions: Does Your Hiring Team Know What To Ask

Interviews are stressful, and not just for the candidates. Interviewers need to make important decisions that affect your business. Here’s how to ensure your team is properly prepared to assess job candidates. Choose the right interview questions for the job. Ask the right types of questions. Listen and take notes. Be consistent in each interview. Evaluate interviews while they are fresh. Choose the right interview questions for the job To choose the right interview questions, you need to know a job’s key requirements. Take the time to create a job description and profile that clearly identifies the most important skills Read more

The Advantages Of Good Interview Planning

You need to find a new employee. Before launching full speed ahead in recruitment, take the time for interview planning. A good hiring plan will help your growing business streamline the process to finding and hiring the employee that best suits your business. What’s in a plan? A good interview plan maps out each stage of the hiring process. First, identify the major milestones for before, during and after your interviews. You can then create a hiring workflow to help you streamline the process to fit the job and keep your recruitment process on track. Here are some things to Read more
