Tag: skills gap

Turn Company Career Site Visitors Into Applicants

Your company career site will be the first impression of your company for many talented, job hunting candidates. This is one reason it’s essential to optimize your career site and online employment applications. Similar to how you evaluate a candidate on the basis of their resume, social media profiles, and digital footprint during the recruiting process, job seekers are judging your company based on your company career site and job posts. If the content they see during the job application process doesn’t catch their attention or get them excited about the company, you might be losing out on the top Read more

The Skills Gap Issue In Startup Hiring

The skills gap is a major concern for venture-backed startups to Fortune 500 companies. This should not be surprising if you look at numbers like those provided by the Job Preparedness Indicator. According to this recent survey, only 17 percent of hiring managers said candidates were presenting the right skills for the job. In startup companies, it is even more essential to hire employees with the necessary skill sets. A bad hire can cost a company big money, and hiring an employee who does not fit into your organization can ruin the company culture you have worked so hard to Read more
