Simplicant blog

Twitter Recruiting: How To Source Top Talent

The war for talent is intense and the trend is expected to continue for many years to come. While the impact is more visible in the tech sector, this trend is widespread and has effected organizations in every industry. In spite of the tough competition, many organizations are still stuck with internal processes that depend heavily on archaic recruiting methods. As a result, costs of acquiring talent are high and the time to fill open positions is painfully long. The net result is a direct impact on the company’s performance when open positions are not filled fast enough.

Social Media Passwords: Where Should Draw The Line

Since the first articles were recently published on the questionable practice used by some recruiters and employers demanding Facebook sign-in credentials from job-seekers, or asking to be added as a “friend”, similar reports have surfaced from Canada and the UK. This all started when job-seeking candidates in the US complained that they were asked during interviews to provide login details for their Facebook account or log into their Facebook accounts on a company computer, so recruiters can comb through their accounts later.

Online Recruitment System: Collaborative Hiring Tips

Attracting and acquiring the right talent is a critical and strenuous task that involves many people who contribute, via an online recruitment system, in the various aspects of the hiring process. These could be internal employees, hiring managers, executive management, contract recruiters, social media contacts and many other internal/external stakeholders. Most of them will need to review the status of candidate applications, in the recruitment system, at various points in the process. In addition, many of these stakeholders will have valuable input and information that will need to be recorded in the online recruitment system and shared with others at Read more

Manage Recruitment Process In Volatile Job Market

More people than ever before, in the currently recruited workforce, are considering leaving their jobs for better employment opportunities. Recruitment process surveys and research results from various sources estimate that the number of people looking to switch their jobs is upwards of 60%. Under normal circumstances, people wait for their annual bonuses before starting a new job search. However, the slow economic activity has made it unnecessary for many to wait, as people are less optimistic about bonuses getting paid on time – or paid at all. As a result, the number of potentially available candidates, active and passive, is Read more

Talent Acquisition With Social Recruiting

Referrals have historically been a major source of quality performers for any company. The concept behind it is simple: Its classic word-of-mouth marketing in play. Smart people on your team know other smart people who become applicants, which ultimately raises the bar of the candidate pool. To leverage the power of referrals, Simplicant have just launched a useful set of tools that will allow members to easily post job vacancies to specific individuals on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn within seconds. This instantly expands your audience and the visibility of your job opening increases manifold. The result is Read more

Detailed Analytics And Your Recruiting KPIs!

This has been a much-requested feature from our community and its not hard to see why. Reports on your hiring pipeline and application influx can surface areas of improvement and the key performance indicators that will help you objectively assess your recruiting efforts. At the end of the day, if you’re not benchmarking your performance, you’re losing out – Its as simple as that. As with every other department, employers need to be well informed on how their recruitment efforts are faring with time and whether they are investing in the proper channels. Answers to questions like “Are their any Read more

Calendar Sub-Events To Schedule Interview Slots

A few weeks ago, we introduced our calendar feature which enabled our customers to create and schedule recruitment-related activities, such as candidate interviews. Today, I’m happy to announce our new sub-events feature. The sub-events feature enables you to create multiple events – or what we call ‘sub-events’ – for the same candidate in one go. Say you have a candidate who is needs to be interviewed separately by three people at different times. Previously, this would have required a recruiter or HR staff member to create three separate events for each interview slot, and there is no way of grouping Read more